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Steamed Hams but a nice amount of words and seconds
Steamed Hams But Every Sentence is One Word
Steamed Hams but only with words that start with S
Steamed Hams but every repeated word loops back to it's last use
Steamed Hams but everything goes well and nothing remotely negative happens
Steamed Hams but I layer it every 1 second for 5 seconds
Steamed Hams but every word is replaced with its first occurrence
Steamed Hams but Chalmers is Everywhere
Steamed Hams but every m is MMMMMMMMMM
Steamed hams but every 5th and 7th word is replaced with "steamed hams" and "Aurora borealis"
Steamed Hams But Every Scene is a Different Animation Style
Steamed Hams, but after every "S" word comes another full episode of Steamed Hams